
Travel Bookings Made Zen: Automated Solutions, Real Results

Travel Agency from Romania
Marketing Consultation
Lead Generation
Media Planning & Buying
Web Design
Web Development
Tracking & Analytics


When we first started working with Zepelin Tour, a travel agency, we implemented Facebook Lead Forms and automations which sent leads straight to their WhatsApp, but sorting through them manually felt like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The problem? Too much time spent on validation, not enough on actual conversions. So we decided to make their lives even more Zen. Our mission was clear: create a smarter, smoother way for Zepelin Tour to find the right clients, faster.

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ZEPELINtour case study

The Challenge

Zepelin Tour, a growing travel agency in Romania, faced several key challenges in managing and converting leads from their digital marketing efforts. As their online presence expanded, so did the complexity of their lead generation and qualification process.

The success of their initial Facebook Lead Forms campaign led to an unexpected challenge: a flood of leads, many of which were not well-suited to Zepelin Tour's offerings. This volume threatened to overwhelm their small team, potentially causing them to miss out on high-quality prospects buried within the noise.


Time-Consuming Lead Qualification

Too much time spent manually filtering leads from Facebook forms.

Low-Quality Leads

Leads didn’t exactly fit Zepelin Tour’s travel criteria, lowering conversion chances.

Lack of Personalization

No previous personal touch made it harder to build trust with new prospects.

Manual Ad Campaign Adjustments

Manually setting up ads delayed promotions and wasted real-time opportunities.

ZEPELINtour case study

The Campaign

To bring balance to Zepelin Tour’s lead-gen chaos, we built a zen-like flow of automated lead qualification and seamless ad management.

We started with a landing page featuring a custom chatbot—think of it as a digital travel concierge that immediately started a conversation as soon as a visitor arrived. The chatbot was designed to feel personal and lively, as if the owner of Zepelin Tour was chatting directly with the potential customer. The bot asked all the key questions: name, travel destination, group size, and preferred dates. With this info, the lead was pre-qualified before even reaching the travel agency. No more clutter - just quality leads ready for a follow-up.

But that’s not all. We automated the back-end too. Once a lead completed the chatbot conversation, the data was sent straight to Zepelin Tour via email and stored in a Google Sheets CRM. No work, no fuss - just calm, organized lead management.

The cherry on top? We built a robot that scanned Zeppelin’s Facebook posts and automatically turned above-average posts or those tagged with #superpreț into ads. No more back-and-forth emails to request ad boosts. The robot handled it all, effortlessly turning great content into effective ads without even lifting one finger.

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ZEPELINtour case study

The Impact

Results came fast and smooth - just the way we like it.

Transformative Efficiency: Our automated solutions streamlined ZepelinTour's lead management process, dramatically reducing manual work and increasing productivity.

Quality Over Quantity: By implementing intelligent filtering, we ensured only high-potential leads reached the sales team, optimizing their time and effort.

Immediate Profitability: The strategy delivered a significant return on investment within the first week, proving the effectiveness of our targeted approach.

Enhanced Customer Journey: From first contact to booking confirmation, our system provided a seamless, personalized experience for potential travelers.

Scalable Success: This automated approach set the foundation for ZepelinTour's continued growth, allowing them to handle increased lead volume without compromising quality.

65 real inquiries flowed in, with all the details.


21 responded, ready for follow-up.

Within the first week ZepelinTour rocked a 197.61% ROI. Efficiency, please meet profitability!


2 bookings, with a neat 10% conversion rate from brand-new prospects.

ZEPELINtour case study


By streamlining and automating Zepelin Tour’s lead generation process, we helped them achieve more with less. The chatbot acted as a virtual travel assistant, filtering out noise and delivering only the most promising prospects. And our ad automation turned the manual task of boosting posts into a peaceful, hands-free experience.

This isn’t just lead generation. It’s zen lead generation. A smarter, calmer, and ultimately more profitable way to connect with potential clients. With 10% of new leads converting into paid bookings, it’s safe to say this digital travel concierge delivers the kind of conversions that flow like water.

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